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Stress Relaxation Systems

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Picture1Relaxation System for continuous measurement in either tension or compression

Meets the following requirements:

ISO 3384
ISO 6914
ASTM D6147

Comparison of continuous and discontinuous stress relaxation testing

Continuous stress relaxation testing

Discontinuous stress relaxation testing

Less manual work, measurement will continue throughout the test after it is started. More manual work, needed to manually perform the measurements at certain points during the test period.
Logging automatically and continuously which means that if wanted, it is possible to obtain measured values from any given point from the test after the test is terminated. No extra data is saved, only the manual taken measurements. Not possible to add extra evaluation points after the test is finalized.
No physical movement of the rigs after the test is started. It has been shown that each time a rig is moved the result may be affected due to the vibration that occurs in this operation.
Most of Elastocon’s customers around the world ask for this type of testing, several big companies have it in their company standard. Less customers ask for this type of test, it is included in the internal standards of some large companies.
Possible to run tests automatically according to ISO 3384-1, ISO 3384-2 as well as ISO 6914 and other technically equivalent standards. No automatic testing is possible, requires a lot of manual work. But testing according to ISO 3384-1 and 3384-2 is possible of course.
Possible to run tests automatically with either stable or cyclic temperatures. The temperature will not be stable throughout the whole test, the measurements will, as default, take place in ambient room temperature (can also be done within a special temperature chamber).
Test either in compression or tension, in air/gases or liquid. Test in compression, air or liquid (liquid might be rather messy during the measurements).
Automatic testing according to ISO 3384-1 method B with a programmable oven.  
Cycling testing according to ISO 3384-2 in temperature interval -40 to +250 °C  
