Computerized calibration of O2, CO/CO2 analyzer together with hydrocarbon measurement
Stores preset heat flux levels and can send them to the controller for testing at various levels
Brings together the analyzer and DAQ components into a single package
Windows 10 computer with 27” HD Monitor
During test, all data channels are displayed together with elapsed time, ignition, flameout, rate of heat release and time averaged heat release, smoke level and duct flow
High-quality stainless-steel construction throughout
Fully compliant burner, complete with needle control valve
Semi-automatic control of flame application time and thread switches/timers
Electronic gas safety control and emergency stop switch
Ergonomically designed ensure testing is as user friendly as possible
Other test methods possible on the apparatus, such as ISO 6940 and ISO 6941, BS 5867/5438. with the purchase of additional templates and sample holders
Conforms to EN 71-2 and measures the rate of flame spread for vertically oriented samples
Micro-scale Combustion Calorimeter (MCC), sometimes referred to as Pyrolysis Combustion Flow Calorimetry (PCFC), measures the rate at which the heat of combustion of fuel gases are released by a solid during controlled pyrolysis in an inert gas stream
The instantaneous heat of combustion of the flowing gas stream is measured by oxygen consumption calorimetry
Only 0.5 to 50 milligrams of sample is needed and results are obtained in minutes, instead of hours or days of testing and analysis
The test apparatus provides a wealth of information on the fire hazard of a material